16 February 2022

The hybrid condensation kiln to dry your wood

Condensation kilns are highly performing drying kilns equipped with heat pump, which allows you to fully use electric energy.

It is well known that a kiln with heat pump needs supplementary heating at the beginning of the process until the desired drying temperature is reached. However, you don’t necessarily have to use electricity as supplementary heating.



Would you like to increase your drying capacity without investing in a new boiler and without running into permission and authorization problems?

Are you able to produce electric energy independently, but you don’t produce enough energy to cover the consumption of a kiln with heat pump?



INCOMAC has the solution for you.



With the Incomac’s MAC-Hybrid drying kiln you can use your available electric energy in combination with a boiler and make the most of both to get a better drying performance.


The innovative hybrid drying kiln MAC-Hybrid of Incomac allows you:

  • to increment the temperature in the kiln and save a significant amount of money
  • to optimize the energy produced by the wood waste boiler and the condensation machine
  • to use the hot water produced by the boiler to speed up the drying process.


This is what you can achieve with the MAC-Hybrid drying kiln:

  • reduction of emissions into the atmosphere of 50%
  • actual heat recovery of 30% on an annual basis
  • unique wood quality, which is typical of Incomac condensation drying kilns



Were you looking for 1 drying system with the advantages of 2?

Here it is!



| Go to MAC_Hybrid drying kiln |




Get in touch with us to learn more:

+ 39 0423 21646





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