Incomac - drying-kilns-incomac-icd-p icd

Torksystem som drivs av termisk vätska

Konventionell tor

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eller träavfall

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Incomac - Incomac impianto di essiccazione a fluido termico ICD

The ICD wood drying kiln is fed by a thermal fluid: hot water, superheated water, diathermic oil or steam. Heating is carried out through heat exchangers with bimetallic finned tubes. The air recirculation is ensured by motorized dampers that eject the moist air from inside the chamber with fresh air coming in at the same time. The ICD drying kiln is indicated for customers with thermal power plant available. With some technical variations, this dryer can also operate at high temperatures (up to 110°C).

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Campo di applicazione

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Incomac - drying-kilns-incomac-firewood

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